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The spring meeting of the Depository Library Council was held in Albuquerque, NM from Sunday, April 17, 2005 - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at the Sheraton Old Town Hotel. The plenary session included: a speech by Public Printer Bruce James about the future plans of the Government Printing Office (GPO); a speech by Mike Wash, co-director of the GPO's Office of Innovation and New Technology about the GPO's technological planning process for their "future digital system"; and a question and answer period with Mr. James, Mr. Wash, Superintendent of Documents Judy Russell, members of Depository Library Council and attendees of the conference.
*NOTE* Please listen with headphones if possible. The audio quality is only average so the sound is much more audible via headphones.
The order of the audio should be:
1) BJames_Spring05DLC.mp3
2) MWash_DLCspring05.mp3
3) BJamesQ&A1.mp3
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